ISTC Press Releases

1,200 Illinois students team up with businesses and universities to address major challenges
April 27, 2017 | Download Full Release

An innovative device to detect lead levels in drinking water, a patch to assist with medication adherence, a healthy breakfast bar, and a mobile app that connects patients with cancer – these are a few inventive solutions Illinois high school students have come up with in response to the Illinois Science and Technology Institute’s (ISTI) statewide STEM Challenge.

New report highlights record number of university-supported startups in Illinois
March 8, 2017 | Download Full Release

The Illinois Science and Technology Coalition (ISTC) today released new data showing record growth in entrepreneurial activity at the state’s universities as part of its Illinois Innovation Index, which reports on the key metrics of the state’s innovation economy. The report found that during the past five academic years, students and faculty at Illinois universities created 804 startups through technology licensing, entrepreneurship programs, competitions and other university initiatives, according to the self-reported data.







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