Guidebook of Professional Learning Experiences within Information Technology (IT)

Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness Act: College & Career Pathway Endorsements

The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act, signed into law in 2016, takes a student-centered and competency-based approach to help students achieve college and career readiness. The PWR Act identified four components to improve the alignment and transition from high school to-and through-college and into careers. One of those components is the College and Career Pathway Endorsement (CCPE), which provides an innovative way for school districts to validate the hard work of students preparing for life after high school.

The PWR Act establishes a voluntary system for school districts to award college and career pathway endorsements on high school diplomas. The endorsement will demonstrate students’ readiness for college and careers and the completion of instruction and professional learning experiences in a selected career interest area, and incentivize career exploration and development. These college and career pathway endorsements require an individualized learning plan, career-focused instruction, career exploration activities, and 60 hours of internships or similar career development experiences.

Currently, 16 Illinois communities, including more than 90 high schools, are planning to start the implementation of Endorsement systems in the coming year and are supported by the Northern Illinois University Education Systems Center (NIU EdSystems) and the Illinois 60 by 25 Network to plan and prepare for these Endorsements as communities.


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