The modernization of the electrical grid is creating a platform for innovation that will enable new opportunities for job creation and economic development. Simultaneously, these modernizations drive new research questions and present new risks and challenges, particularly in the area of cyber security. In this issue of ISTC Catalyst, we showcase the ongoing efforts at research institutions in Illinois and highlight the innovative work being done to improve cyber infrastructure.
The assessment frameworks more commonly applied to the safety and stability of America’s physical infrastructure are now being directed toward cyber infrastructure and the trustiworthiness of information. As our nation transitions to a digitally enabled grid, that thrives on two-way communication between generators, transmitters, distributors and end users, the protection and management of these systems and their data is a paramount concern. Confidence in a smarter grid is critical to our economy and society. Dramatic societal and economic advances can result from trustworthy systems; just look at the rapid growth of e-commerce. Conversely, the loss of public trust could have devastating economic and social consequences.
Illinois-based institutions are central to the global dialogue on information trust and cyber security, playing a leading role in the development of critical applications for infrastructure and homeland defense; mapping the connection between physical and cyber security, and designing resilient cyber infrastructure which operates through and responds to attacks.
To learn more about the work being performed in Illinois to create a more efficient and secure cyber-infrastructure please read further in this edition of ISTC Catalyst
Watch and Listen:
Smart Grid News, Critical Infrastructure Protection for the Smart Grid. Lessons from the Real World Webinar Series, part 1 of 5
Physical Security
- Argonne National Laboratory Assesses Infrastructure Risk and Resilience
- Argonne National Laboratory’s Vulnerability Assessment Team Reveals Seven Myths About Physical Security
Cyber Security
- Student at the Information Trust Institute Receives Award for Paper on Automatic Management of Logging Infrastructure
- Using Untrusted Software Without Fear: Professor Adve of the Information Trust Institute Pursues New Security Solutions
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Assistant Professor, Negar Kiyavash, Receives NSF CAREER Award for Work on the Impact of Timing in Network Security
- Smart Grid Vulnerabilities: Innovation Key to Protecting Against Cyber Attack
- Trustworthy Cyber Infrastructure for the Power Grid Seminar: Secure Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
- New Switching Device at Northwestern University Could Help Build Ultrafast Quantum Internet
- Northwestern University McCormick School of Engineering, How Natural Disasters and Political Unrest Affect the Internet
- Illinois Institute of Technology Perfect Power Project
- Data Service Outsourcing Security Research at IIT, By: Kui Ren, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Ubiquitous Security & Privacy Research Laboratory, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Leave No Holes Unplugged! By: Ray Trygstad, Industry Professor of Information Technology and Management and Director of Information Technology, School of Applied Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology
- CIO at Argonne National Laboratory Focuses on Security, ‘Cloud’ Management
- GridWise Alliance on A Smart Grid
- Combating Smart Grid Vulnerabilities
- ELECTRICITY GRID MODERNIZATION: Progress Being Made on Cybersecurity Guidelines, but Key Challenges Remain to be Addressed
- U.S. Department of Energy Launches Cyber Security Initiative
- IEEE Power & Energy Magazine, Illinois and Korea Smart Grid Collaborative