ISTC in the News – 2013
It’s Time For Chief Startup Officers
Posted July 16, 2013 | Source: www.forbes.com
As the chairman of the Governor’s Illinois Innovation Council, I’m proud to say our state is doing something to address this issue by connecting entrepreneurs with our largest companies. In partnership with the Illinois Science and Technology Coalition (ISTC), we are forging a permanent bridge between startups and corporations by making the Chief Startup Officer a reality through a new pilot program.
Alliances to get push from two sides
Posted June 23, 2013 | Source: www.chicagotribune.com
On Sunday, the governor is expected to announce the Illinois Corporate/Start-Up Challenge, a four- to six-month pilot program in which four corporations — Allstate Corp., Molex, Motorola Mobility and Walgreen Co. — will designate a senior-level employee as chief startup officer to work with emerging companies.